Fuga (Escape)

Fuga (Escape)
Fuga (Escape)
Surreal Meaning:

Clouds: Clouds give life to our dreams and "... enrich the mystery of the infinite" but dreams change with the changing winds of Time. They are always in a state of metamorphosis... moving ceaselessly between heaven and earth. They come and go leaving only a fading memory of their brief passage through our consciousness... taking the shape of living creatures to stimulate our minds and stir our emotions. I use the clouds to widen the perspective of our perception and enhance the verticality of the composition.

Cone: The cone is a complex image derived from the metaphysical association of the circle with the triangle, evolutive in its form (vertical thrust), eternal in its oneness. It is also symbolic of the sun in general and, in my creations, of man in particlar. It is a metaphor for manhood.

Cube: The cube is the metamorphosis of the square which is characterized by the quality of stability, solidity and clarity. By adding numbers on each side of its sides, the cube becomes the symbol of chance and alluring fortunes. On one hand it symbolizes the dynamic forces of nature and on the other hand the fickle consequences of a throw... at times life itself is reduced to a game of chance.

Sphere: The ideal sphere, often associated with ether and heaven, is a symbol of intellectual life and it is bound to procreate not only pure thoughts but life itself thus becoming the symbol for womanhood (pregnancy gives an appearance of sphericality -- ball-shaped). A ball is strong and resilient... so is woman.

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